Bung Jagoi Day or in the local dialect called Ondu Bung Jagoi is an annual event that will be celebrated every year on the third Saturday in the month of July. Its commemorate the conservation of Bijagoi's Culture, History and beautiful nature to the young generation in particular and also the general visitors. This has been initiated by the Jagoi Area Development Committee known as JADC and they have succeed in protecting the area from damages of the development through collaboration with various institutions including UNDP, SBC, UNIMAS and more to be mentioned.
This year, on the July 21, 2018; we received up to 700 people visit the ancient settlement of Bung Jagoi in joining the simple festival with lots of activities offered to them. Apart of introduce the conservation programs being conducted there, the guests are also able to experience local dish of the Bidayuh at various stalls open on that day, and even trying traditional games and even join the local playing the gong while the dancers performing the traditional Bijagoi's dance.
In conjunction to this event, YB Dato Henry Harry Jinep officiate the new "Keep Bung Jagoi Beutiful" image and also the hash tag for Bung Jagoi Tourism which is "#jakmowah" that will be used by all the visitors while posting their trip at Bung Jagoi through the social media. This year, this event also being attended by the neighboring Bijagoi's from Indonesia specifically community from Kpg Jagoi Babang.
We do hope more to be offered in the near future and thank you for all the support given in making Ondu Bung Jagoi happening this year. Congratulation to all the winners especially the Jagoithoners, the treasure hunters, and children that join drawing contest.
We looking forwards to serve better and hope its become merrier in the future event.